Soshine 14500 900mAh (White-yellow)
Official specifications:
- Color: yellow & white
- Size: 50*14mm
- Brand: soshine
- Model: ICR 14500
- Capacity: 900mAh
- Standard voltage: 3.7V, 3.3WH
- Max pulse discharge current: 2.7A
- Charging voltage: 4.2 V
- Battery type: ICR 14500 li-ion rechargeable battery
- Operating temperature: charging: 0°C ~ +45°C, discharge: -20°C ~ +60°C
- Storage temperature: -20°C ~ +30°C
AA sized LiIon cells from Soshine, depending where I read the specifications says 0.9A or 2.7A continuous discharge.
The discharge curve is fairly good, especially below 1A and it looks like the 2.7A rating is optimistic.
The cells have good capacity and works fine at lower current drain, for high current drain use some other cells.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries